No matter how cool the photos in your instagram profile may be, without purposeful promotion and attracting attention, they will not collect many likes, and the page will not be replenished with new subscribers. Instagram popularity is directly related to the activity and interaction with the audience. To promote your account, you need to adhere to proven recommendations. We present them to you in this article.
How to promote your instagram
There are many tricks to help promote the page on Instagram. We will not dwell on quality content – this has long been taken for an axiom. But unfortunately, simply gorgeous shots with scenic scenes and perfect dishes are not enough.
If you want to become an Instagram star, then the tips below should definitely be adopted.
1. Choose the best time to publish
Spreading content when you have to is a huge mistake. Popular bloggers always take photos in advance, and upload them only at the right time.
2. Create a content plan
Your publications should be clearly planned taking into account the optimal time. Conduct experiments to determine the appropriate time interval between publications.
Optimum is 1-2 publications per day with a long time interval. For example, the first publication may be posted in the daytime, and the second in the late evening.
3. Hashtags
This is the main source of traffic, because it is through them that most users find your posts. Use both thematic and popular hashtags of up to 1 million posts.
Create your own brand hashtag. This will help increase the profile of your profile. Place tags not only in the description of the post, but also in the first comment below it.
4. Masslaying
Constantly like the posts of other users. So you show attention and attract people to look into your profile. On average, for every 100 put likes you can get 6 new followers.
5. Massfollowing
Subscribe to like-minded people. This is an effective way to expand the base of followers. It is important to choose people with similar interests. Under such conditions, the chance of getting a mutual subscription increases.
6. Comment on other people’s posts
Thus, you attract the attention of users to your page. This method is especially effective in popular publications and under the posts of opinion leaders. But keep in mind that the comment should be really interesting. Simple “Cool” will not bring the proper result.
7. Keep feedback with your audience
Ask for the opinions of your followers in polls or in post signatures, ask questions. This will help to establish communication with your readers, increase their trust and disposition towards you, and find out their preferences.
8. Publish Stories
To promote your Instagram without mastering the stories does not work. This is one of the most popular sections of this social network, which is most riveted. In addition, the “Search” tab reflects the most popular stories of other users. To get into the TOP is quite difficult, but if it works out, then thousands of new followers are guaranteed to you.
9. Post a video
According to statistics, video content is most often commented on, so it has a much better chance of becoming viral than the photo. In addition, the updated Instagram algorithms are very fond of the audience engagement rate, which is enhanced thanks to the comments.
Well, if you yourself can shoot high-quality videos. If this is not so, then it’s okay. Simply select the popular videos related to the subject of your account and do their reposts.
10. Use geolocation
Try to always mark the place where a particular shot was taken. Geotags are another source of searching for like-minded people and people who are not far from you.
11. Collaborate with other accounts
Mutopiar has not yet been canceled. Find a few accounts with a similar target audience href, but not your direct competitors, and offer reciprocal advertising. For example, if you are photographing children’s parties, you can offer cooperation to a toy store in your city. Such an audience exchange will benefit both pages.
12. Add some blue
According to studies, publications with blue receive 24% more likes than photos with red or orange.
13. Call people to action
If you want your audience to be active, feel free to motivate them to take action. Ask to like if the reader agrees with your opinion, or write a comment with your vision. According to statistics, publications calling to leave like have 89% more marks.
14. Do not be afraid to fast often
It may seem that excessive activity will cause irritation, but in fact, everything is not so. Numerous studies also confirm that the more often publications, the higher the rate of user engagement.
15. Sign photos
Of course, Instagram is a visual social network, the users of which, first of all, pay attention to the graphic content of the post. But recently, textual support has become increasingly relevant. It is not necessary to write a long story under each post. Two or three capacious phrases is quite enough.
14. Hold contests
All kinds of contests are an indispensable element of promotion. They increase engagement rates and bring new traffic to the page. The easiest draw is to publish a thematic image and ask everyone to participate in the contest to leave a comment.
15. Use other social networks
Invite your Facebook friends. For this, Instagram even has a special option in the settings. Similar actions can be carried out with Twitter, VKontakte and other social networks. Be sure to post a link to your Instagram in your profiles.
16. Search for hashtag followers
Like and subscribe to users who have hashtags relevant to the topic of your profile. For example, if your blog is about healthy eating, look for people using the hashtags # pp, # zozh, # proper nutrition, and more. They will see your like, go to your profile and may be interested in relevant content for them.
17. Publish every Sunday
This day saw the least number of photo postings. This means that there will be significantly fewer competitors, and more people will see your post.
18. Publishing on Wednesday is a must-have
According to statistics, posts posted on this day gain the most views and likes.
19. Tag friends in the photo
Do not be lazy to mark all the participants in the photo. Let the friends of your friends see the post.
20. Celebrate brands
Whatever you do and what place you visit, be sure to note all the brands that accompanied the event captured in the photo. Such a mention can bring traffic to the post from brand followers.
21. Take more selfies
According to statistics, selfies gain the most likes. Show that there is a living person behind all these beautiful pictures. People come to Instagram and in order to watch other people’s lives. Photos showing a person’s face, according to statistics, gain 35% more likes.
22. Make yourself a brand
Use your nickname on Instagram not only within the social network. Advertise it wherever you can. Notepad, cover or corporate sticker on the car will definitely attract attention.
23. Allow Instagram to access your smartphone
The best way to get your first few dozen followers for free is to let Instagram sync with your phone book. To do this, open the settings menu in the application, select the “Invite and subscribe to friends” section and the option “Subscribe to contacts”.
24. Motivate and inspire
Most users look for inspiration in posts. From time to time share your experiences, publish posts with motivational quotes or stories.
25. Develop a unique style
Trend Instagram of recent years – page layout in a single style. Select several filters that you will use to process your photos constantly. When posting content, also think in advance how it will look next to the rest of the posts. Applications like UNUM and Concept Office will help you with this.
26. Be active
There is a direct relationship between activity and popularity on Instagram. The more time you spend on the social network, the more you like and comment, the faster your audience grows.
27. Post custom content
If someone has posted a review or thank you on your page, be sure to post to your page. This step will show that you value each of your subscribers.
28. Navigate through bloggers
Blogger advertising is an easy way to get the attention of a huge audience of subscribers. It will take a lot of effort and effort to find a competent influencer capable of spinning the page, but the result in hundreds and even thousands of new subscribers is worth it.
29. Recommended users
From time to time you go to the section “Interesting people” in the settings Here you will see the tab “Recommended users” – subscribe to them. Most likely, you have many common interests and they will subscribe to you in return.
30. Complete the BIO
If you haven’t done it yet, then you’ve made a big mistake. These few offers are able to entice casual visitors and motivate them to subscribe. In the biography briefly tell who you are, what you do and why it will be interesting for you to follow.
31. Quality Only
No one is interested in flipping through hundreds of similar salad pictures – post only beautiful quality content that will be of interest to users. Out of 100 Instagram profile photos, only one can be awarded. The rest can be left for the home collection, and it is better to delete immediately so that they do not occupy the memory of the phone.
32. Break into the TOP
When you type in a search for a hashtag, you will first see the 9 most popular and catchy records. A place in the TOP – the attention of a huge audience and thousands of likes. To get there, you need to type the maximum number of likes in a short amount of time. The easiest way to do this is on weak hashtags, there is less competition.
33. Insta-cats
If you did not manage to break out in the TOP by thematic tags – do not be upset, and pump at the expense of the most mi-mi-mouse audience. Post a cute photo of the cat and find all the baskets you will find on popular themed hashtags. Many will do the same in return and you are almost guaranteed a place in the TOP.
34. Avoid direct competitors
Don’t look for support and likes from users who are your competitors. People are jealous everywhere and even the best posts will not get a response.
35. Give value
Users subscribe to those accounts whose content is of some value to them. Post content that may be useful to others.
35. Bookmark this
The instagram algorithms take into account the number of bookmarked tips to advance through the news feed. Share your interesting experiences with your users. According to statistics, most often bookmarks are recipes, exercises, photo processing instructions, travel routes, diets.
36. A little humor
Quality humor will dilute the atmosphere and place you in the audience. Post sometimes funny photos and videos on your subject.
37. Communicate
You need to not only actively maintain an account, but also to communicate with other users. To find interesting publications for users, instagram algorithms take into account even the number of messages in Direct.
38. Live
Users are most attracted to live broadcasts. This is an easy way to share your thoughts and communicate with subscribers live.
39. Target
If you want to quickly spin the page, but do not want to spend a lot of time, then order targeted advertising. You can do this by linking a Facebook page to your Instagram page. Also read the article “How Much Is Advertising on Instagram” in our Blog.
40. Use paid services
If you do not have the desire or skills to spin the page yourself – entrust this matter to a professional. But be prepared for the fact that such services are not cheap.
The main patience
To unwind a page, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Do not lose motivation if after a few days of active action you have only +5 followers. Systematic action is important. Not enough patience – automate processes.
Promotion of an inst-profile is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. First, you need to combine many methods of promoting your Instagram instagram. Secondly, all actions should be repeated regularly and systematically.
Our company offers comprehensive business promotion on Instagram. Contact our managers for details.